and County Hall Gallery have come together to present BLOC, a new exhibition that aims to give 16 emerging artists the chance to get a little public exposure.
A photographic exhibition and a book inspired by Lundy Island celebrate recovery from mental illness.
ISP UK Online’s groundbreaking new 8Mb ADSL service has just launched in Bermondsey. The fastest ever home broadband in the UK is available from a select number of telephone exchanges in London.
Do you live or contribute to community life in West Bermondsey, East Peckham, Nunhead, East or West Camberwell? What’s great about where you live, or what would you like to change?
Paramedics on a trolley bed dash and accountants releasing red balloons - it was all part of Red Nose Day 2005 in SE1.
The directors of Mill Street-based employment agency, which failed with total debts estimated at £430,000, have given undertakings not to hold directorships or take any part in company management for a total of six years
If you have been staying away from the South Bank Centre because there is major work going on, don't. For behind the hoardings is a still-beating heart.
The Community Recycling in Southwark Project (CRISP) has cooperated with the Greater London Authority in launching a project to increase recycling in university halls of residence.
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