London SE1 community website

Monday 28 April 2008

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News & features published on 28 April 2008
Tooley Street reopens eastbound after 7 million litre flood

Operations at Guy's Hospital were cancelled and Southwark Council's call centre was relocated as part of the knock-on effect from Sunday's burst water main in Tooley Street.

Construction workers hold Bankside health and safety rally

More than a hundred building workers and other trade unionists marched from Tate Modern to the Health and Safety Executive in Southwark Bridge Road.

Interview: Val Shawcross, Labour London Assembly candidate

Labour's Valerie Shawcross has represented Lambeth and Southwark on the London Assembly since it was created eight years ago. She's hoping to win a third term this week, and we put some of your questions to her.

Interview: Caroline Pidgeon, Lib Dem London Assembly candidate

Cllr Caroline Pidgeon (Lib Dem, Newington ward) is hoping to oust Labour's Val Shawcross from the London Assembly in the Lambeth & Southwark constituency on Thursday. We put some of your questions to her.

More London estate shut down by Tooley Street flood

Offices, shops and restaurants at More London - including City Hall - were shut on Monday after flood water from a burst main in Tooley Street engulfed the estate's underground service area causing a power cut.

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