@PreciousBlood1 Anglican!
The Mayor of Southwark and The Holly Man at @GeorgeInn1677 on Sunday http://t.co/tR9nsi9E
RT @comms2point0: Job of the day... Senior Media Officer, Southwark Council (fixed term) http://t.co/y9MDcv5s via @LGJobs @lb_southwark
The @Ship_SE1 pub in Borough Road is now on Twitter http://t.co/nUBBsGYk
The Archaeology of Southwark Cathedral - April lecture for the Twickenham Local History Society http://t.co/0vrQ5sme via @ThamesDiscovery
RT @hari_BPA: Tough times for eel lovers M.Manze #TowerBridgeRd #SE1 http://t.co/PCuMFj1B
The Mayor of Lambeth waxes lyrical about the @OasisJohanna talent show: http://t.co/XqPRRwTk
Jedward compete with one another to win the chance to raise the bascules of @towerbridge - starts 4.30pm on the CBBC Channel
Waterloo residents: you can recycle your Christmas tree at Archbishop's Park http://t.co/mTDEImts
70s Italian night at @thetablecafe http://t.co/629IMgP1
RT @Dezeen: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners complete NEO Bankside: http://t.co/vYZ6L812
TfL has applied to Lambeth Council to install a new @BarclaysCycle docking station in Cornwall Road Waterloo (near Secker Street junction)
Local job vacancies - including @boroughmarket and @lb_southwark: http://t.co/0CDOPI56
Millennium Bridge shut 10am-4pm this week while they lift the bridge deck and reinstall dampers removed for testing: http://t.co/mFFq5lTX
@colourpointse1 The Roberts shop in Grantham
The @design_mus_shop is having a 'flash sale' from 7am today: http://t.co/H2oyfpUk - up to 70 per cent off
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