ITV has applied to Lambeth Council for permission to tether a 32-metre helium balloon to the roof of its South Bank headquarters.
The former operators of the German-style Christmas market at Southbank Centre have applied to run a similar event outside Tate Modern on Bankside this winter.
Records of thousands of prisoners held in the Marshalsea and King's Bench prisons in Southwark have been digitised by a family history website.
Six fire engines were called to Waterloo on Saturday morning to tackle a fire at the Da Vinci's club in Baylis Road.
Saturday recap:
Jim_Jepps Banner drop today off Westminster Bridge #NoTTIP
Westminster Bridge closed Sunday for Royal Parks Half Marathon
BBC News using library film of Waterloo International Eurostar terminal (closed 2007) to illustrate report on ebola screening
PaulMCleal Sunset bursts through the Shard #london
Just published - ITV proposes giant Santa hat for South Bank HQ
Just published - Plans for Christmas market outside Tate Modern; Southbank Centre proposes Xmas tree maze
Just published - Southwark debtors prison records published on genealogy website
Calling SE1 choirs and musicians: @bostse1 seeks performers for new Red Cross Garden bandstand on 11 Dec
The wraps are off the restored Dover Castle at corner of Lower Marsh & WBR. @CooperativeFood opening on ground floor
Just published - Fire at Da Vinci's club in Baylis Road
MPSinthesky Waterloo area, assisted with a rooftop search. @MPSLambeth
Feminist Fiesta:
TfLBusAlerts Route 168 back to line of route Humphrey Street SE1 following RTC. CLEARED
TfLBusAlerts Route 168 subject to delay and diversion Humphrey Street SE1 blocked due to an RTC.
The Great Seed Festival at @gardenmuseumldn:
Blackfriars station, by Marina Warner via @FT
Fire crews from Lambeth, Brixton, Dowgate and Soho tackling fire at Da Vinci's in Baylis Road
TfLBusAlerts Route 59 76 341 subject to delay and diversion Baylis Road SE1 closed in both directions due to a building fire.
DanFareyJones @se1 Fire brigade investigating thick smoke coming from back of Da Vinci's bar at Waterloo/Bayliss Roads
klaramoranova Fire on Baylis Rd, Lower Marsh St. @se1
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