A plaque commemorating the history of one of London's oldest railway bridges has been unveiled in Abbey Street to mark the culmination of a major refurbishment project.
The first Recorder of Southwark has taken the formal oath at the first sitting of the Recorder of Southwark's Court.
A 16th-century painting called A Fete at Bermondsey is being displayed at the entrance to a major exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery.
Friday recap: 16th-century Bermondsey painting on show at NPG + other local news se1.info/17tEeVz
Southwark Council planning licensing scheme for private rented sector properties, @peterjohn6 announces on @ReprezentRadio
"London is becoming a kind of Dubai: a place for the global elite alone" warns Tate Modern boss Chris Dercon: http://t.co/oBACS8SNVi
Just published - Restored Abbey Street railway bridge unveiled @RailwayHeritage @FionaColley @BarrieHargrove goo.gl/fb/HMwPa
Just published - Southwark Recorder's Court holds first sitting goo.gl/fb/nTfnd
DaveHill I went on this excellent @futureofldn field trip in Bermondsey: tinyurl.com/klkg8r8 Shows how regeneration can be done the right way.
Just published - 'Fete at Bermondsey' painting goes on show at National Portrait Gallery @NPGLondon #elizabethans goo.gl/fb/sAQ2G
Luxury flats at One Tower Bridge to feature virtual golf course shar.es/EsZ7g via @CityAM
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