Police have released a CCTV image of a man they would like to speak to in connection with a collision in Tower Bridge Road that left a woman with facial injuries.
Friday recap: London-SE1.co.uk/date/2015-04-24
Interview with @georgenturner about why he's challenging the Shell Centre development on the South Bank: https://t.co/xdwttnx7VU
City of London skyline from Waterloo Bridge - by @stwiltshire: http://t.co/hFC5bwqmpC
Elephant & Castle subway mural picture of the day pic.twitter.com/zo91RciWBg
Table Top Sale at Queensborough Community Centre http://t.co/I2AJ7i5Xdy
Roupell Street house on the market for £1.625 million: http://t.co/7XPEHjhc3u
@unclemick85 What's it about?
The Great Southwark Dragon Quest: http://t.co/mMYzdN9uoj
RachelReevesMP Read all about my visit to @ministryofsound with @coyleneil & their #LivingWage staff in today's @EveningStandard pic.twitter.com/eyqqE960u9
Listen to full audio of Bermondsey & Old Southwark election question time @ARKGlobeAcademy
https://t.co/Hn4DgjQhQY #boshustings #GE2015
@mark__land The roadworks are far from finished ... many more months to go while cycle superhighway is built
HLTaranowski Playing around with images of #elephantandcastle. Separation in time and colour. pic.twitter.com/mfLKnXiNRp
RT @lucy4baos: Great hustings at ark globe academy. Brilliant to see so many young people getting involved ðŸ‘
Jason_Cobb ACE #boshustings @ARKGlobeAcademy. Chair was superb - best I've heard yet. Ta to @se1 for streaming #GE2015
Many thanks to @ARKGlobeAcademy for letting us live stream the #boshustings. More live audio tomorrow 6pm @Southwarkcathed hustings.
#BOShustings candidates with @ARKGlobeAcademy who asked questions pic.twitter.com/HpvqVM6bWJ
PRTweetz Excellent to listen live to #BOShustings @se1 Looking forward to hearing the result of the debate vote.
RT @PRTweetz: Congratulations to @ARKGlobeAcademy for the #BOShustings. Exactly what’s needed to envigorate future electorate. @SE1
#boshustings Overwhelming victory 4 @coyleneil in straw poll of students at @ARKGlobeAcademy hustings .
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings No hands up for UKIP at @ARKGlobeAcademy .
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings No hands up for Conservatives (@jpfloru not here).
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @MattJones_Globe asks for show of hands to see who students would vote for.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil re Labour immigration mug: "You won't find any of those mugs in my office".
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil says removing immigration controls would only fuel likes of UKIP.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings "Our policy is to remove all border controls" says TUSC's @KingsleyAbrams.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings "You might as well pass a law telling the sun not to shine" - migration controls are futile says @RepSocialist
@Jason_Cobb @ARKGlobeAcademy Yes, great questions, great chairing (by student)
#boshustings UKIP @Andy_Beadle "Immigration is a good thing but has to be controlled"
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings "I think immigration is a great thing and it's done a lot for its society" @lucy4baos
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @lucy4baos - need to give priority to refugees from wartorn countries e.g. Syria and Iraq.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings Final Q is re immigration - "How would your party decide who is allowed in and who isn't?" Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings UKIP @Andy_Beadle on his biggest regrets: "Am I sorry for anything? Nah not really."
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @KingsleyAbrams says his biggest regret is he didn't do enough to win leadership of Merton.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil "When I was 10 yrs old I was arrested for shoplifting"..."I think it was Lego".
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @lucy4baos says she regrets voting for Lib Dems in 2010.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @SimonHughes welcomes UK Govt's legal commitment to overseas aid.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @SimonHughes says he regrets that the gap between rich and poor is still too wide.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings Next Q is whether candidates have any regrets in their political pasts.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil wld bring in social care legislation - his brother left school to care for mum.
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @Andy_Beadle "Just get us out of Europe!"
"Brussels has no place running our lives"
Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @SimonHughes would give public right to challenge planning decisions re affordable housing. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @lucy4baos: "I'd love to give everyone in the country a say on big policy decisions". Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @RepSocialist says he'd set up a new Parliament and new constitution. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @KingsleyAbrams says he'd pass a law to end austerity. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings Q from Jemima Y8 - "If you could pass one law what would it be?". Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings UKIP immigration rhetoric "nonsense, unhealthy and divisive" says @coyleneil. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings UKIP's @Andy_Beadle - "we do not want to stop immigration". Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @Andy_Beadle: UKIP "has never pointed the finger at immigrants". Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @SimonHughes argues that immigrants make a big contribution to UK. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil on rise in homelessness: "you see it day in day out" at Elephant & Castle. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @lucy4baos: we need to get people engaged with politics, talking and understanding each other. Audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @KingsleyAbrams says difficult to improve communities with £30bn cuts in prospect. Live audio:mixlr.com/se1f
#boshustings Next Q: "How do you think we could improve our communities?" Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @SimonHughes says opportunities for youth much better now. Much less discrimination. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @RepSocialist: higher education should be free. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil agrees with question that opportunities for young people have declined. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @Andy_Beadle (UKIP) calls for more apprenticeships like he benefitted from. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings Q from Charlie, Y12: "Do you think you had more opportunities when you were young than we do?" Audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @RepSocialist says he supports the Aylesbury Estate occupiers. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil condemns @KingsleyAbrams over 'disgusting' slur re "ethnic cleansing" in Southwark. Audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings First question from @ARKGlobeAcademy students is about the Aylesbury Estate regeneration. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil urges @ARKGlobeAcademy to volunteer for his campaign. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @coyleneil to students: "None of you have the government that you deserve ... or we need". Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @lucy4baos explains her direct democracy campaign. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @Andy_Beadle of UKIP says his party now has policies on the whole range of issues. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @SimonHughes praises "phenomenally successful" @ARKGlobeAcademy . Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
#boshustings @KingsleyAbrams sets out the TUSC anti cuts platform. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1
MPSRTPC @MPSSouthwark Safer Transport Team offering FREE cycle marking in London Rd, Elephant & Castle outside South Bank University until 6pm
First candidate is @RepSocialist - says he has message of hope & optimism for young voters. Live audio: mixlr.com/se1 #boshustings
LIVE AUDIO - Bermondsey & Old Southwark election question time with @ARKGlobeAcademy sixth formers mixlr.com/se1
The Bermondsey & Old Southwark election candidates are arriving at @ARKGlobeAcademy to answer questions from pupils.
'Defend Lifelong Learning' march tomorrow from Lewisham Southwark College in The Cut to City Hall
Tune in to mixlr.com/se1 from 4pm to hear Bermondsey & Old Southwark #GE2015 candidates quizzed by @ARKGlobeAcademy pupils
Just published - CCTV appeal after pavement cyclist hits Tower Bridge Road pedestrian @worldinaglass goo.gl/fb/APRiwP
£3 million flat for sale in Theed Street, Waterloo: http://t.co/1KyYTeipxS
LivArtFair The Shard by @annieblanchet exhibiting @LivArtFair 27-28 June @RoyalLiver1911. Download your free tickets now! #Art pic.twitter.com/2Bo1YTcOzJ
Roupell Street taped off due to paint spillage pic.twitter.com/fklFUdYB5U
Bermondsey & Old Southwark election result still 'too close to call' in latest @YouGov survey for @EveningStandard pic.twitter.com/5DsOk2W5od
StGeorgesCath As part of the #WW1 commemorations there will be a requiem Mass tomorrow at 12.30, presided by Mgr Matthew Dickens. Details on our website.
@finchrum yes! Well spotted. What a mess!
Not sure One Blackfriars is in right place on this CGI on the hoarding - seems to have supplanted South Bank Tower pic.twitter.com/tpL4XmJes7
Full-size replica of Globe Theatre planned for New Zealand: http://t.co/ucTEuErr57
1980s aerial film of Bankside and Blackfriars Road areas https://t.co/sfBBOrCQtZ
Spot the India Office Library etc
We hope to live audio steam this event from 4pm - tune in http://t.co/bijdj14akf https://t.co/m39Kg6ABEk
Chris Dercon to leave Tate Modern: http://t.co/qvaQ9Wlrse
Bermondsey & Old Southwark Hustings at @Southwarkcathed chaired by @StephenHance1: http://t.co/04HJe6mmeK
6pm Sat - LIVE audio stream
Today - final chance to comment on Waterloo Library closure plan]: london-se1.co.uk/news/view/8067 #culture2020
roundaboutnews TfL have slavishly redesigned a subway sign repeating all the errors. Proof again that they are idiots and this... fb.me/7jDlBCw7x
roundaboutnews Subway closure has begun. They said June, but they lie. Siege of Gibraltar and Eruption of Mt Vesuvius sealed in breeze blocks.
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