mylondonkitchen What's with the 2 helicopters looping round SE1 tonight? Anyone? @NPASLondon?
@Chilari The library is _open_ all day 6 days a week, but is mostly self-service apart from those hours with staff presence.
tib_it Welcome to our latest Tibee, #London news and community website
#LFB150 – 45th anniversary of Wilson's Wharf fire (now Southwark Crown Court):
MPSBishops Two pickpockets were caught red-handed on the South Bank yesterday by local PCs Ho, Judge, Scarna and Muruganathan in plain clothes.
Man fractured boss's skull after knocking him out on Southwark Bridge
RT @jennylinford: A cathedral cat in the heart of London - @thegentleauthor on Dorkins Magnificat adopted by @southwarkcathed…
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