London SE1 community website

Wednesday 18 November 2020

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Tweets on 18 November 2020

RT @HabsBorough: A view from inside the building site from today’s site visit. Soon this will look over the atrium of the main building.…

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TfL says that yesterday, tube journeys were at about 24 per cent of normal demand and bus journeys were at about 49…

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@MartinLeaPhoto There have been four more deaths at Guy’s & St Thomas’ announced in the last two days alone.

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Signs are now in place (but covered up) for the new Great Suffolk Street low traffic neighbourhood #ltn

Learn mo…

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RT @MPSBishops: Along side Lambeth’s Neighbourhood Tasking Team, Roads & Transport Officers & TSG, I was on cycle patrol re: Robberies on t…

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Wednesday #coronavirus COVID-19 stats for our boroughs:

44 more people tested positive
Cumulative cases:…

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Guy's and St Thomas' rep at @LambethTogether reports "gentle increase" in number of COVID-19-positive patients.

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6.30pm - join @BOSTSE1 for a Zoom consultation to help shape the plans to improve Little Dorrit Park, between Borou…

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The @LambethTogether board is hearing about plans for COVID-19 vaccinations in the borough - it's intended that GPs…

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Today NHS England confirmed that one more patient who had tested positive for COVID-19 has died whilst in the care…

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RT @Spurk83: Lost 1 AirPod @appleairp0ds this morning on my walk around @TheShardLondon @LDNBridgeCity @se1 @MPSSouthwark I know chances ar…

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RT @Look_UpLondon: New on the blog this week, we're looking at the history behind this odd little brick structure by the Tower of London.

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