London SE1 community website

Thursday 18 November 2021

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Tweets on 18 November 2021

Thursday #coronavirus COVID-19 stats for our boroughs:

110 more people tested positive
This week: 671

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Blackfriars Bridge closed this weekend for crane operation

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[Job ad] Office Manager (maternity cover), @betterbankside

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RT @CS6Count: On Tuesday 16 November 2021, the #CS6 #Blackfriars Road counter recorded 6,268 cycle journeys
Year-to-date total:1,166,…

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RT @Simon_theTanner: Did you know a little under 2 weeks today we have an exciting Cheese & Wine pairing eve planned? Tippity top cheeses,…

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Today it's the last Mayor's Question Time #MQT to be held at City Hall in SE1 before the big move to the Royal Dock…

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DaveHill Gorgeous Tower Bridge approach to City Hall. .

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:48 AM, Nov 18th, 2021 via Twitter for iPhone)

RT @lynbrownmp: I asked the Government about the future of COVID memorial wall. They have given a completely non-committal answer. I am m…

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Job vacancies posted on 18 November 2021
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