London SE1 community website

Monday 11 January 2021

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Forum discussions active on 11 January 2021
Tweets on 11 January 2021

@BikingSkiing At the time they were talking about the very first cohort so yes 80+

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BikingSkiing

Monday #coronavirus COVID-19 stats for our boroughs:

319 more people tested positive
This week: 3,488

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Last month South East London CCG said that their early experience showed that the target group for the vaccine real…

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RT @deansouthwark: I know lots of you are worried about how @HodgeTheCat will cope whilst @Southwarkcathed is closed. Do not worry. His fri…

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RT @FoodHygieneBot: Waterloo Food And Wine rated 2/5 IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY by the Food Standards Agency #FoodHygiene
51 Baylis Road, #Londo…

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Today NHS England confirmed that two more patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 have died whilst in the car…

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RT @MPSSouthwark: #ProjectServator deployment @GSTTnhs supporting the #NHS Reminding everyone to follow the guidelines & only travel for es…

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RT @deansouthwark: The Chapter @Southwarkcathed met this morning and decided to close the cathedral for public worship and private prayer w…

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RT @MPSChaucer: Today we were up and out very early helping assist our colleagues @MPSLondonBridge with an arrest warrant for Section 23 Mi…

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RT @MPSLondonBridge: Great joint partnership work by @MPSLondonBdgBID @MPSChaucer @MPSLondonBridge & @MPSNWalworth arresting a male for bei…

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The newsreel also reported another historic steam locomotive setting off from Paris for display on the South Bank

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On this day 70 years ago, the Gaumont newsreel reported the arrival on the South Bank of the Agenoria steam locomot…

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robbie_1984 @se1 a lot of emergency services turned up at Elephant and Castle tube this morning

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:38 AM, Jan 11th, 2021 via Twitter for iPhone)

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