London SE1 community website

Tuesday 11 January 2022

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Tweets on 11 January 2022

RT @ThirdSector: National Theatre lost almost a quarter of staff due to Covid-19-enforced closure last year https:…

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RT @vintagemapstore: Londinium (Roman London) England, UK. Drawn by Rocío Espín Piñar.

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Tuesday #coronavirus COVID-19 stats for our boroughs:

425 more people tested positive
This week: 4,501

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RT @LabourList: "The problem has been fuelled by years of weak regulation and even weaker government."

@ibrahim_Dogus on the impact of ris…

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RT @stphilipscambe1: Pip's Toddlers started back today!

Songs, dancing, messy play, general joy.

A lovely turn out today. Thank you! Se…

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Today NHS England confirmed that three more patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 have died whilst in the c…

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