London SE1 community website

Friday 13 January 2023

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Tweets on 13 January 2023

Interestingly the council hasn’t completely eradicated the original Excel file names of the documents detailing nex……

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Proposal for 40 per cent hike in cost of a bulky waste collection remains part of Southwark Council’s budget to be……

via Twitter for Mac

Flat with prime view of London New Year Fireworks for sale at £7.8 million…

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Listen to on @BBCRadio4 this lunchtime and you might hear a mention of the Happy Bus Outings that set out fro……

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AndrewWickhamGo Up to London for the first time this year. Good to see London Routemasters back in regular service, especially RM19……

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:11 PM, Jan 13th, 2023 via Twitter for iPhone)

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