London SE1 community website

Monday 13 February 2023

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Tweets on 13 February 2023

mamuska_net On Fat Thursday, come to Mamuśka and enjoy the traditional Polish treat - Pączki! Celebrating Fat Thursday with Pąc……

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‘This is why the Tate Modern viewing gallery violated the rights of wealthy flat owners’ - by @davidallengreen for……

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coyleneil It’s barely changed…!…

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vicwellsassoc How appropriate, in the hundredth year of our Association, to be allowed back into our beloved Old Vic Theatre, for……

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ChurchTimes “He was an upright person of integrity, with very clear ideas”…

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MPSChaucer met this furry resident today while on patrol in Tabard Gardens.

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MPSChaucer View from Symington House on a lovely sunny day.

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'The fight between Tate Modern and its wealthy neighbours reveals the gentrification of the skies'……

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RT @Taj_Ali1: ?NEW: Over 1,800 bus drivers employed by Abellio in London have won an 18% pay rise following strike action.

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