After recent confusion about whether the NHS Nightingale Hospital would welcome rainbow drawings to decorate its wards, a school opposite St Thomas' Hospital has offered to receive posters to display in its windows.
We reported earlier this week that boarders at the DLD College London private sixth form college had created posters to decorate the school's windows which face St Thomas' Hospital near Westminster Bridge.
Now the college says it is happy to receive further artistic creations to decorate its windows and give a boost to the hard-working staff keeping the hospital running during the COVID-19 crisis.
"We have seen that many people have created rainbow drawings for the new NHS Nightingale hospital after a fake post was put onto Facebook," said a member of the DLD team.
"If people would like us to display their posters in our windows that face St Thomas' and the Houses of Parliament we are more than happy to. "
Posters can be sent to:
DLD College London
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