Young filmmakers and recording artists on the shortlist to win a Southwark-wide competition the Get Scene, Get Heard awards at the Unicorn Theatre this week.
The event was the culmination of the Get Scene, Get Heard competition, which has seen twenty-six young people aged 13-25 winning the chance to make their own films and record their own music tracks with professional production companies.
Seven short films and eight music tracks have been produced on hard-hitting subjects including gangs, knives, peer pressure and teenage pregnancy.
The work was shown for the first time at the awards ceremony where overall winners for each part of the competition were announced. The panel of judges inlcuded young people, film and music industry representatives and community safety officers.
Launched in May for the second year running, the competition is organised by the Safer Southwark Partnership to give young people a chance to have a voice on important issues. The films and music will be used in schools, youth clubs and community groups to raise awareness among other young people.
The seven films will also be showing at the Elefest and Raindance film festivals.
"The issues we sing about are not always glamorous but it is reality that we live in," says Muna Hashim, 25. "It is a brilliant project and has been a great experience for me, it helps to educate and get these important messages across to young people in a form that they will both listen to and understand."
Cllr Jeff Hook, executive member for community safety, said: "We're pleased to be running this competition for the second year – not only have the standards been truly awe-inspiring but the resulting films and music tracks will be a powerful way to raise awareness about important issues among young people.
"The talent and determination of the young people involved is evident. Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to make this happen."
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