Members of the Che Tango group danced on Blackfriars Bridge during Thursday evening's rush hour to promote the TangoCommute event to be held next month as part of the Big Dance season.
The Che Tango group was founded five years ago by Michele Stanley who has been teaching and arranging shows and demonstrations of Argentine Tango in residential homes for the elderly and for charities throughout the Home Counties.
The organisers say that dance helps older people to keep fitm healthy and socially active.
TangoCommuting is a new dance form – unlike outdoor milongas or tango performances in public – where autonomous couples listen to music privately via shared headphones dancing silently in public as commuters pass by.
TangoCommuting aims to generate joy during the evening rush hour on a day of national melancholy by promoting compassion and connection through the dance of Tango.
TangoCommute takes plance on Monday 7 July as part of the Big Dance season.
It takes place on seven Thames bridges (Westminster Bridge, Golden Jubilee Bridges, Waterloo Bridge, Blackfriars Bridge, Southwark Bridge, London Bridge and Tower Bridge) and in seven London railway stations (including Waterloo Station and London Bridge Station) between 6pm and 7pm.
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