The Team London Bridge BID has won a silver gilt award at this year's London in Bloom Awards.
Judges visited the area in mid-June and saw the flowering blooms at the Shipwright's Arms on Tooley Street. The judges made particular note of the variety of flowers and grasses in Potters Fields Park as well as the extremely productive vegetable garden.
They also commended the colourful planting and hanging baskets introduced as part of Team London Bridge's commitment to improving the public realm locally.
Potters Fields Park also independently won third place in the discretionary 'Public Parks & Open Space' award. In London only Richmond, Islington, Kensington and The City received the Gold Award.
"I'd like to extend a big thank you to Norton Rose, More London, London Bridge City, the Shipwright's Arms and the Southwark Council Environment and Parks teams," says Shane Clarke, environment manager at Team London Bridge.
"Our horticultural contractors CJS Plants, landscape architects Cracknell, the Home Office, Fair Street Housing and Potters Fields Park Management Trust also deserve congratulations for helping achieve this high standard.
"Huge thanks to all of these organisations for guiding the judges on the day and most importantly for the ongoing green fingered work in making London Bridge a greener and more environmentally friendly community."
Team London Bridge plans to enter the area in the competition again next year. They will be hoping to increase links to local housing associations to encourage balcony planting and gardening clubs, and are also seeking to improve biodiversity though schemes such as bird and bat boxes, and butterfly-friendly projects.
By the time the 2010 competition takes place the new 'Pocket Plazas' in Melior Street, Shipwright Yard and Snowsfields will be well established, providing three new public spaces to impress the judges. The new Community Garden in Melior Street will be of particular interest with its links to St Mungo's 'Putting Down Roots' programme and the nearby Manna Centre.
Elsewhere in SE1 the Brookwood Triangle at the corner of Webber Street and Lancaster Street, which has been cultivated by Brookwood House residents with the help of Bankside Open Spaces Trust, won third place in the London in Bloom Capital Growth Award category.
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