18 months after Boris Johnson ruled out the installation of pedestrian lights for the corner of Old Kent Road and East Street, TfL is now considering making changes at the junction.
Pedestrians walking along the southern side of Old Kent Road must guess when it is safe to cross East Street outside East Street Library.
In spring 2015 the then Mayor of London Boris Johnson said that on the basis of collision data, the junction was "not a sufficiently high priority" for TfL to justify spending money on pedestrian lights.
An official answer tabled by Southwark Council officers at Borough, Bankside & Walworth Community Council this week reveals that TfL is now reconsidering the matter.
"TfL officers have confirmed that they are already in the process of conducting feasibility studies for provision of pedestrian phasing at this location although it is too early to comment on the outcome of that work.
"Any prospective works remain subject to feasibility, funding and necessary approvals."
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