A new wildlife garden is to be created at Christ Church Garden, an important green space in Blackfriars Road.
Bankside Open Spaces Trust has received a grant from The Big Lottery Fund's 'Breathing Places' programme to create the wildlife garden. Additional funding and support is being provided by Land Securities and The Metropolitan Public Gardens Association.
The wildlife garden will be located in the border running along the railings on the north side of the church – an area currently used by drug users and rough sleepers.
With major developments planned on all four sides of Christ Church, BOST wants to make sure that the garden retains its green-ness and remains a place of refuge for people and wildlife alike.
Students from the local Pickard School of Garden Design – based at the Museum of Garden History – submitted designs as part of a competition.
The winning design by Katrin Schlenzka was chosen for having most wildlife interest in the planting and for its overall pleasing layout. Plans for the new garden are on display inside Christ Church Southwark.
The garden will include:
• plant foliage for caterpillars, for example Nasturtiums
• seeds and fruits for birds and mammals, for example from Berberis, Teasels and Holly
• pollen and nectar from flowers for bees, butterflies, moths and other insects, for example from Buddleja, Ice Plant, Verbena bonariensis, Fennel, Comfrey, Michaelmas Daisy, Yarrow, Rudbeckia
• bird feeders
St Mungo's, which works with homeless people, will be providing bird and bat boxes and other mini beast homes from its workshop. A bird bath has been made by members of L'Arche Lambeth, a community group, some of whom have learning disabilities.
Work will start on the project at the end of February. First. In March the first new shrubs and hedges will be planted, followed by several other planting days through to May to put in the herbaceous plants and flowers.
In the autumn bulbs will be planted to flower the following spring.
Local community groups and businesses, including Land Securities and Better Bankside's Corporate Social Responsibility Group, will be coming to clear, dig and plant the area. Children from Friars Primary School and other local projects will also join in.
• If you would like to volunteer on this project, or provide support in some way then please, contact Heather Carter at BOST on 020 7261 1009 or [email protected]
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